Elbe-Net develops embedded applications for Linux or RTOS based embedded platforms. We also offer development for platform independent application based on Qt framework. newest technologies like Qml are used here.
elbe-net ISP billing solutions for telecommunications and SIP servicesTelekommunikations are used world wide. Nased on many years field tested concepts and modern software technologies they are always using newest technologies.
elbe-net provides you carrier - grade VoIP solutions from OpenSIPs, Asterisk to Cisco Callmanger solutions.

Elbe-Net Michael Kakuschky
Paalzowweg 14
D-21029 Hamburg
phone: +49 (0)40 72910427
fax: +49 (0)40 72910427
e-mail: info@elbe-net.de
Give us a free call with CallMe! Just click the button and enter the phone number where we can contact you. A responsible manager will be connected to you immediately